RI Restaurant Relief Available Now

By: Rob Borkowski on May 3, 2021 in Business, COVID-19

WARWICK, RI — The $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund is now accepting applications for direct RI restaurant relief,  Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) announced Monday. The $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund […]

[CREDIT: GSA.gov] GSA Administrator Emily Murphy

GSA Acknowledges Biden Presidential Win

[CREDIT: GSA.gov] GSA Administrator Emily Murphy By: Rob Borkowski on November 24, 2020 in News to You

WASHINGTON, DC — General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily W. Murphy, President Donald Trump’s appointee,has relented in her weeks-long delay of acknowledging President-Elect Joe Biden’s Nov. 3 election win, signing […]

[CREDIT: Gov. Gina M. Raimondo/Facebook] Congressman Jim Langevin thanked veterans for their service and reminded viewers of the country's debt and commitment to those who have served in the armed forces. Langevin spoke during a virtual Veterans Day ceremony, organized to safely observe the day during the pandemic.

RI Hosts Virtual Veterans Day

[CREDIT: Gov. Gina M. Raimondo/Facebook] Congressman Jim Langevin thanked veterans for their service and reminded viewers of the country's debt and commitment to those who have served in the armed forces. Langevin spoke during a virtual Veterans Day ceremony, organized to safely observe the day during the pandemic. By: Warwick Post Staff on November 11, 2020 in News to You

PROVIDENCE, RI  — Governor Gina M. Raimondo joined Rhode Island’s congressional delegation, officers, legislators, and military officials this morning to observe a virtual Veterans Day via live-streamed ceremony. The event, […]

Langevin Hosts Virtual DACA Forum

By: Rob Borkowski on June 19, 2020 in News to You

WARWICK, RI — Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) joined RI Congressional delegates praising Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections for 650,000 undocumented immigrants brought […]