Warwick High Schools’ Designs Expected Next Year
![[CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] Warwick Veterans Middle School, 2401 W Shore Rd, Warwick, RI, is the venue for the Warwick School Committee meetings.](https://northamerica.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Warwick-Veterans-Middle-School-140x140.jpg)
WARWICK, RI — New Warwick High School’s designs are expected within the year as discussions among city officials regarding financing the $350 million project continue. The $350 million bond to […]
WARWICK, RI — New Warwick High School’s designs are expected within the year as discussions among city officials regarding financing the $350 million project continue. The $350 million bond to […]
WARWICK, RI – The Warwick School Committee approved 24 Warwick teacher layoffs Tuesay night, citing declining enrollment as a factor in their decision. In April, Robert Baxter, the Director of […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick School Committee will debate the addition of an an Assistant Superintendent to the Warwick Schools administration Thursday at 5:45 p.m. at Warwick Veterans Middle School, […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick School Committee will elect its officers for 2020 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday night at Warwick Veterans Middle School, followed by an executive session including discipline […]
WARWICK, RI — Four months after the Warwick City Council approved $3 million set aside for the School Department contingent on a settled teacher’s contract and six months after the agreement was ratified […]
The Warwick School Committee cut $1.3 million to balance the FY2018 School budget during their special meeting Jan. 18, taking $250,000 budgeted for Chromebooks, $150,000 for software and $100,000 for technology supplies out of the spending plan, among several items.
The third in a series of en-masse teacher absences at individual Warwick Public Schools touched the Oakland Beach Elementary School Community at about 10 p.m. Sunday night as the district cancelled Monday classes.
Classes at Warwick Veterans Jr. High School have been canceled today for elevated teacher absences as a dispute over a long-expired contract between teachers and the Warwick School Committee after a vote of no confidence in Superintendent Philip Thornton and School Committee Chair Bethany Furtado by the Warwick Teachers Union Tuesday.
On Sept. 5, Warwick Teachers Union (WTU) membership met and voted to reject the Warwick School Committee’s Aug. 23 “final offer,” then rallied about 600 teachers for another picket of City Hall Sept. 7.
WARWICK, RI — A new contract between the Warwick Teachers Union and Warwick School Department, overdue since 2015, remains in the aspirational realm after the union rejected the district’s latest […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick School Committee’s meeting tonight at 5 p.m. will touch on union negotiations in executive session, followed by a review of budget items to be culled […]
UPDATE – 3:07 p.m. July 12: Darlene Netcoh, president of the Warwick Teacher’s Union, said elements of the agreement, including class size and the assignment of special education teachers to […]
WARWICK, R.I. — The General Assembly has passed House Bill 5593 SUB A, extending expired contracts with teachers and municipal employees until successor agreements are reached, reversing the fortunes of the Warwick Teachers […]
WARWICK, RI — A few hundred teachers picketed Warwick City Hall Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 till 4:30 p.m. to highlight complaints about poor working conditions and a lingering impasse on contract negotiations, […]
WARWICK, R.I. — Classes were disrupted today as 87 Warwick School teachers, including 33 at Warwick Veterans Middle School, called out sick, the cause of which was a point of disagreement between Superintendent Phil Thornton and Warwick Teachers Union Darleen Netcoh, representing opposing sides in a drawn-out labor dispute.
Eighty-three teachers called out sick Thursday, the day after Superintendent Phil Thornton sent parents an email alerting them to rumors of a district-wide “sick out,” an appropriate move, he said, to apprise parents of the potential for a disrupted school day.
WARWICK, RI — Dozens of teachers, parents and taxpayers picketed in front of the Warwick Schools Administration Building on Warwick Avenue Monday, calling for a teachers contract and changes in […]
The State Labor Relations Board has ruled the School Committee must honor the expired Teachers Union contract until a new one is agreed on, which would limit the number of teachers laid off this year to 20, not the 65 the board has announced it will let go.
Mediation between the Warwick Teachers Union and the Warwick School Department has broken down, sending contract negotiations back to arbitration over what mediator attorney Vincent Ragosta says is a misunderstanding of a request for a 10 percent annual increase over three years.