CLARIFICATION: School Committee member David Testa’s comments on the differences between the Toll Gate and Pilgrim homecoming dances has been updated to clarify his intent. WARWICK, RI —Following the recent […]
WARWICK, RI — This week’s surprise news that Warwick School Supt. Philip Thornton has agreed to return to his former post in Cumberland — first reported by WarwickPost — leaves a leadership […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick School Committee unanimously approved a revised $170.3 million 2020 school budget Tuesday. The budget includes a reduction of $596,739 in staff costs. “It’s transparent and […]
WARWICK, R.I. — When Warwick high school students protested $7.7 million cut from school programs last week, Mayor Joseph J. Solomon said the money’s there, but even a maximum 4 […]
WARWICK — As Warwick Public Schools’ policy on SunButter and jelly sandwiches for students with unpaid lunch accounts made national news, the Policy Subcommittee advised allowing all students their choice […]
WARWICK, RI — Mayor Joseph Solomon Sr. has proposed the City of Warwick could aid the Warwick School Department with their budget shortage by assuming $1.7 million of the schools’ […]
WARWICK, RI — Four months after the Warwick City Council approved $3 million set aside for the School Department contingent on a settled teacher’s contract and six months after the agreement was ratified […]
The Warwick School Committee voted to turn the former school administration building at 34 Warwick Lake Ave. back over to the city Tuesday night, the latest move in the district’s years-long building consolidation process.
With just five days left till the Warwick school year starts for grades K-7 & 9 Tuesday, with grades 8, 10, 11, and 12 starting Sept. 6, this year’s new 2017 bus routes have been made available online by the Warwick School Department.
WARWICK, R.I. — A day after 100 students demanded independent review of Warwick Public Schools’ special education practices, Councilman Ed Ladouceur was waiting on the RI Department of Education (RIDE)’s inquiry, noting a subpoena and/or depositions could be used if needed.
WARWICK, RI — Dozens of teachers, parents and taxpayers picketed in front of the Warwick Schools Administration Building on Warwick Avenue Monday, calling for a teachers contract and changes in […]
With just five days left till the Warwick school year starts for grades K-7 & 9 Aug. 31, then all grades Sept. 1, this year’s new 2016 bus routes have been made available online by the Warwick School Department.
The State Labor Relations Board has ruled the School Committee must honor the expired Teachers Union contract until a new one is agreed on, which would limit the number of teachers laid off this year to 20, not the 65 the board has announced it will let go.
director of secondary education has been suspended without pay on administrative grounds, as has his secretary, according to a School Committee member.
The Warwick School Committee and Warwick Teacher’s Union disagree on whether 65 teachers should be laid off this year, or just 20, and settling that may happen in court.
Warwick, R.I. — RI Attorney General Peter Kilmartin’s office has ruled the City of Warwick must release details of the “Ragosta Report” on Warwick Public Schools’ handling of accusations against […]
The Warwick City Council meets Wednesday at 7 p.m. after the President’s Day holiday to discuss school bonds, the first mention of the topic on the body’s agenda since Mayor Scott Avedisian and Warwick Schools officials announced a compromise to split debt service on release of $5.2 million in school maintenance bonds Feb. 3.
The City of Warwick has denied Warwick Post’s public records request for the “Ragosta Report” on the handling of allegations of inappropriate conduct with students against Gorton Junior High School Science Teacher Mario Atoyan.
Warwick, RI — When a rumored weapon at Toll Gate High triggered a lockdown Nov. 20, teachers in the gym, a broken intercom “deadspot,” didn’t get the message, so the School Committee approved […]
Districts state wide show room for improvement on the 2015 PARCC score test of Common Core readiness, with Warwick behind state averages in Geography, Algebra 1, and ELA/Literacy.
Three School Department officials including retired Superintendent Richard D’Agostino have left office since the School Committee received a report on how they handled allegations of a Gorton Jr. High science teacher’s inappropriate conduct with students, and some City Councillors want that report made public.
With just under a week left until the Warwick school year starts on Sept. 2, this year’s new bus routes have been made available online by the school department.
The Warwick School Committee hired educational consultant and former Central Falls interim superintendent William Holland as interim superintendent for Warwick Schools.