PROVIDENCE, RI — Gov. Dan McKee and RIDE Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green met school and community leaders at Providence’s Asa Messer Elementary School Thursday, announcing $2.8 million in Learn365RI grants, […]
STATE HOUSE — Forty-four legislators called on Gov. Dan McKee to declare a public health homeless emergency in a letter released today, including Warwick’s David Bennett (D-Dist. 20), and Coventry’s […]
PROVIDENCE, RI – The RIBridges system compromised by cyber theft of personal data for anyone receiving or applying for RI health coverage & benefits isn’t available for health plan renewals, […]
WARWICK, RI — Breeze Airways celebrated its third year in operation May 20, announcing expansion plans that will make TF Green Airport its largest by capacity and departures over five […]
COVENTRY, RI — Harris Playground is getting a $100,000 upgrade with ADA accessible paths, new swing sets and other equipment to be determined, its first play structure refresh in decades. […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — The National Weather Service forecasts wind chill “feel-like” temperatures to dip into the teens during the coldest parts of the weekend, with the Governor and Department of […]
PROVIDENCE, RI – The 14-foot tall Independent Man statue will spend another few days in the State House main entrance before it’s placed on padded cradle for transport to the Rhode […]
PROVIDENCE, RI – Gov. Dan McKee directed U.S. and Rhode Island flags to be flown at half-staff at all state facilities and buildings in memory of active-duty Marine Gunnery Sergeant […]
WARWICK, RI — Friday morning, Gov. Dan McKee, RI’s Congressional delegation, state officials and Mayor Frank Picozzi kicked off the $25 million Rte. 37 RAISE Grant Award Project that will […]
NEWPORT, RI –Friday, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse joined U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Gov. Dan McKee and local officials to announce $108.7 million in Broadband Equity, Access, […]
UPDATE – 11 P.M.: Rhode Island State Police report the National Guard, Exeter Fire Department, mutual aid from surrounding communities, RISP, Emergency Management Agency and DEM extinguished the large Exeter […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — Gov. Dan McKee has ordered flags lowered half-staff in memory of former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Almond, and for his portrait hung in the State House Rotunda. […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — Rhode Islanders are paying about 10 cents more per kilowatt hour (kWh) after the RI Public Utilities Commission’s approval of RI Energy’s rate hike, a hardship the […]
PROVIDENCE, R.I. –Governor Dan McKee has announced a 30-day public comment period for RI Energy’s draft RFP for an offshore wind turbine project producing between 600 and 1,000 megawatts (MW), […]
PROVIDENCE, RI – Late Saturday, Gov. Dan McKee tested positive for COVID-19 with minor symptoms and is reaching out to close contacts while isolating for five days, according to his […]
WARWICK, RI — Rhode Island Department of Transportation broke ground on the $12.9 million Airport Connector project in Warwick this morning, one of many large paving projects scheduled for 2022. […]
WARWICK, RI — The Great Race began in Warwick with hundreds of vintage cars Saturday morning at Rocky Point State Park, as well as thousands of enthusiastic spectators. “This morning, we dropped the Green […]
WARWICK, RI – If Gov. Dan McKee gets an extension on his executive order mask rule from the General Assembly, Rhode Island will end the mask mandate for schools next […]
PROVIDENCE, RI— Gov. Dan McKee promises an update on RI’s school mask mandate as Connecticut prepares to drop its own, though the percent positivity rate, 8.4 percent excceds the 5 […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — RI is under a blizzard warning today, with a travel ban and state of emergency declared as emergency crews prepare to keep roads open and power running. […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — The RI COVID count climbs further into double digits at 21 percent positive as National Guard and federal troops aid hospitals and Gov. Dan McKee marshals medical […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — The state’s 5 percent COVID-19 positive rate is expected to increase with the more contagious Omicron variant, so masks and vaccines will be required in most indoor […]
PROVIDENCE, RI – Gov. Dan McKee, House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi, and Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio today announced the legislature’s commitment to act on the Governor’s $119 million RI […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — Rhode Islanders need to keep using all COVID-19 strategies to put the pandemic behind us, Gov. Dan McKee told the public during a live-streamed press conference Dec. […]
PROVIDENCE, RI — Gov. Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (DLT) are using $4.5 million in CARES Act funds to help businesses recruit employees lost […]
UPDATE Sunday, 11 a.m.: After a brief updgrade to hurricane, Henri has been downgraded to a tropical storm. High winds, power outages and flooding are still hazards during the storm. […]
WARWICK, RI — Rhode Island will open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to everyone 16 years old and older April 19, Gov. Daniel McGee said during his Thursday pandemic response press conference, […]