Winter Wildlife Walk

WALK INCLUDES Winter waterfowlSongbirdsHarbor Seals Stationary Spotting ScopeBring your binoculars and join the WWCC to explore the many species of wildlife that call our coastline home. 1:00PM @ THE PIERPresented […]
WALK INCLUDES Winter waterfowlSongbirdsHarbor Seals Stationary Spotting ScopeBring your binoculars and join the WWCC to explore the many species of wildlife that call our coastline home. 1:00PM @ THE PIERPresented […]
The Warwick Parks and Recreation Department’s New Year’s Eve celebration and fireworks begins at 3 p.m. this year at Rocky Point Park, Rocky Point Ave., with food trucks, music. Warwick […]
WARWICK, RI — Tuesday, Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-Dist. 2, RI) Mayor Picozzi, former Warwick Mayor and Vietnam Veteran Frank Flaherty, Operation Stand Down and the Gaspee Day Committee announced the […]
WARWICK, R.I. — The third and final Movies in the Park, hosted by the RI Central Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Wave Federal Credit Union, presented “Spider-Man: Into the […]
WARWICK, R.I. — When Warwick Center for the Arts‘ “Remembering Rocky Point Park!” exhibit started its opening reception Thursday at 6 p.m., there was a line at the door, and […]
WARWICK, R.I. — The Warwick Center for the Arts‘ “Remembering Rocky Point Park!” a collection of tangible artifacts and art from the storied amusement park closed in 1995 then reborn […]
WARWICK, R.I. — The Warwick Center for the Arts‘ “Remembering Rocky Point Park!” exhibit of artifacts and art from the storied amusement park officially debuts during the May 23 opening […]
WARWICK, RI – Construction of a new $1.8 million timber fishing pier at Rocky Point State Park, performed by ACK Marine & General Contracting LLC of Quincy, MA will begin […]
Officer Alfred Silveira broke up an after-hours party at Rocky Point Park’s beach July 19 at 1 a.m., angering an East Greenwich man who threw several rocks at the officer’s cruiser, breaking a window, and earning himself an arrest on a vandalism charge.
Rocky Point Park, the source of numerous Rhode Island reminisces, now offers visual aides —10 pathway signs — to accompany local tales of summer fun at the state’s sole amusement park before its closure in the 1990s.
City and state officials celebrated the unveiling of the newly restored and painted Rocky Point Arch Monday afternoon, made possible by a $5,000 Rhode Island Foundation grant.
The second showing of ‘Tales of Rocky Point Park’ in RI, at the Warwick Mall Showcase Cinemas, drew a appreciative theater-filling crowd Sept. 15 where viewers were treated to a film that was equal parts history lesson, reminiscence and good-old superstition.
WARWICK, RI — Mayor Scott Avedisian and city and state officials met with Hugh Fisher of h. a. Fisher Homes, LLC, and his family on Rocky Point Avenue Thursday to celebrate […]
City and State officials unveiled Rocky Point Park’s new sig Monday afternoon at the intersection of Warwick Neck and Rocky Point Avenues, marking the well-known park for new visitors.
The second Movies in the Park at 1 Rocky Point Ave. returns this summer, and you’ve got a few days left to have a hand in choosing which movies make the cut.
The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce’s annual Rocky Point 5K drew about 530 runners and walkers to 155 Rocky Point Ave., for a morning trek through the now open Rocky Point Park Saturday.
Warwick, RI – Warwick Police are investigating vandalism at the Rocky Point Park demolition site sometime after 5 p.m. Aug. 11 that caused $16,880 in damage to construction equipment owned […]
Part of the Rocky Point Park walkway near the Shore Dinner Hall will close for two to four weeks starting Monday as the state continues demolition of the hall and other buildings on the site.
The Warwick Fire Department responded to 1 Rocky Point Ave. Tuesday at 4:13 p.m. for a small fire inside the defunct Rocky Point Park’s Shore Dining House, extinguishing it within about half an hour.