The “American Veteran Traveling Tribute” will exhibit at Rocky Point Sept. 8-10.
The display, an 80 percent scale version of the Vietnam Wall Memorial in Washington, DC, spans more than 300 feet. The display will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Paris Peace Accord, which effectively ended the decade long war and restored peace to Vietnam. The weekend-long display will be hosted by the City of Warwick, Gaspee Day Committee, and Operation Stand Down Rhode Island. The Vietnam War Memorial is heading from Texas to Warwick and will cost an estimated $13,000 to make the trek. Organizers will be raising money to bring the memorial to Rhode Island, according to a statement by Mayor Frank Picozzi’s office.
“Honored to join Operation Stand Down Rhode Island and Mayor Picozzi today to announce that the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall will be returning to RI,” Magaziner wrote about the announcement on his Facebook page. “Stop by Rocky Point Park from 9/8 – 9/10 to pay tribute to the over 58,000 service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.”
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