Nadeau Wins Dist. 1 School Committee Seat
Warwick, RI – Dist. 1 School Committee incumbent Eugene Nadeau maintained his lead over challenger Dean Johnson, albeit narrowed to 46 votes.
Warwick, RI – Dist. 1 School Committee incumbent Eugene Nadeau maintained his lead over challenger Dean Johnson, albeit narrowed to 46 votes.
Warwick, RI – Sitting Councilors and School Committee members may hold their posts after close calls for two incumbents, with 1,306 absentee ballots an X-factor, particularly in the Dist. 1 School Committee race.
Warwick, RI – Mayor Scott Avedisian gets to keep the title for another two years, defeating both long-time challenger Democrat Jack Kirby and Independent Kevin Eisenman.
Warwick, RI – Officials reported voting was running smoothly for the 2014 election in the City, with anecdotal reports of average turnout and low candidate presence at the polls.
Warwick, RI – It’s election day in Warwick. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you make with the Democracy:
Warwick, RI – Voters have three choices come Tuesday as independent Kevin Eisenman and Democrat Jack Kirby aim to unseat a long-serving Republican Scott Avedisian.
Warwick, RI – Here are a few things to keep in mind as you go about your day during the first Monday of November — your Need to Know Basics: […]
Steven A. Colantuono, 51, a private practice attorney who’s lived in the City for 13 years, is rounding out his sixth year as councillor, asking voters for another term to continue supporting the community.
Warwick, RI – Patrick Maloney Jr., local businessman, Democrat and former Warwick School Committee member, wants to use his experience managing deficits and level funding at the School Department to make […]
Dist. 1 School Committeeman Eugene Nadeau, 83, wants another term to bring all day Kindergarten, a middle school system and a fully researched consolidation plan to Warwick Schools.
Warwick, RI – Terri Medeiros, 56, Warwick resident for 10 years, director of The Romerry School Early Childhood Center, asks for another School Committee term Nov. 4 to continue working for students and make a fully informed decision on school consolidation.
Warwick, RI — Stephen Pope, 47, Warwick resident for 22 years, father of five including two fourth graders, is running for School Committee to get a crack at answering the school consolidation question, among other things.
Warwick, RI — Dean Johnson, 37, lifelong Warwick resident and Army vet, isn’t shy about tough calls, so when the School Committee discarded two school consolidation plans in favor of a consultant, he figured he could do better.
Warwick, RI – If you’re not registered to vote in the Nov. 4 2014 election, Sunday’s your last shot to get it done.