WARWICK, RI — Today is Memorial Day, the federal holiday honoring those who died in service to the country. The day was originally known as Decoration Day, according to history.com. The commemoration […]
Wondering why your event isn’t here? It might not be happening in Rhode Island, which is a requirement, OR, you might not have entered it into our calendar. Social media […]
WARWICK, RI — Rep. Camille F.J. Vella-Wilkinson (D-Dist. 21, Warwick) and Mayor Frank J. Picozzi will host a Memorial Day ceremony at City Hall Monday. “Memorial Day is a day […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick Weekend features banner Warwick events including the Gaspee Days Arts & Crafts festival and its Memorial Day observance, with the usual food focused Friday activity. […]
WARWICK, RI — The Warwick Memorial Day observance will begin at 10 a.m. Monday at Veterans Park outside Warwick Veterans Middle School with a wreath-laying ceremony. Rep. Camille F.J. Vella-Wilkinson […]
WARWICK, RI — Warwick’s Cold War monument announced in 2017 moved another step closer to fruition with the unveiling of a medallion for the monument stone at Warwick Veterans Memorial […]
WARWICK, R.I. — Officials, veterans and citizens last gathered to observe Memorial Day in 2019 around the City Hall World War 1 memorial, but a vaccine-assuaged pandemic this year makes […]
PROVIDENCE — Memorial Day weekend is over, with reports of few beach goers and diligent mask use, good signs since the state is six days from further relaxing of social […]
WARWICK, R.I. — About 15 officials, veterans and citizens gathered around the World War 1 memorial at City Hall Monday to observe the 151st Memorial Day with a wreath laying […]
WARWICK, RI — This year’s Memorial Day ceremony will be held Monday, May 27, 10 a.m. at the WWI memorial in front of Warwick City Hall. Joseph J. Solomon will […]
Mayor Joseph J. Solomon, Councilman Timothy Howe and state Representative Camille Vella-Wilkinson will join the Rhode Island Military Organization (RIMO) and other elected officials Monday morning to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Memorial Day.
Local photog and veteran Lincoln Smith’s travels took him to Roger Williams Park this weekend, where Mayor Scott Avedisian joined local and state officials honoring those lost in service during the Boots on the Ground Memorial Day observance.
Memorial Day parade marchers, gymnasts, bands and all but one float were canceled by Monday’s rain, but a small group of 20 carried umbrellas to meet the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier float at Warwick Veterans Memorial High School under stop-and-start showers.
The Warwick Memorial Day Parade will take place rain or shine, according to Councilwoman Camile Vella-Wilkinson, so parade participants and spectators are in for a wet morning.
Memorial Day started with a parade and crowds, but it ended in the city’s cemeteries, with families, couples and lone visitors paying respect to passed loved ones.
Families lined Warwick Avenue and West Shore Road Monday morning to see a community-spanning collection of visual and musical treats in the city’s Memorial Day Parade.
This year’s Memorial Day Parade starts at 9:15 a.m. at Bishop Hendriken School, bringing together a community-spanning collection of visual and musical treats.
If you got one of 23,000 Warwick Tax Collector letters — some of them erroneous — hinting you’re delinquent, you can clear it up in person, but you’ll be waiting till Tuesday for the fix on city computers.