WARWICK — Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian election meddling contradicts Attorney General William Barr’s summarizing claim that the report shows no attempt by President Donald Trump to obstruct […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Following President Donald Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, where he accepted Putin’s election meddling denial, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) and other top Senate Democrats sent a letter […]
Senator Jack Reed and Congressman Jim Langevin urged President Donald Trump to set aside his pride for the sake of the nation and to denounce Russian interference in the 2016 US election respectively following the release of an intelligence report ordered by President Barack Obama, released Friday.
WARWICK, R.I.—President Barack Obama has expelled 35 Russian intelligence agents, shut down two Russian compounds in Maryland and New York, and released information about that country’s civilian and military cyber activity, measures Congressman Jim Langevin praised while imploring President Elect Donald Trump to end his denial that Russian hacking interfered with the 2016 Presidential election.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, joined a bipartisan group of four Senators seeking to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and prevent future attempts on Sunday, two days after President Barack Obama announced his own directive to intelligence agencies for a “full review” of hacking directed at candidates’ campaigns and political parties.
Three days after voters elected Donald Trump, notorious for insulting the service of war hero Sen. John McCain and threatening to weaken the First Amendment of the Constitution, Warwick veterans were split on whether to worry about the president-elect’s indifference to the ideals they served to protect.
WARWICK, RI — Evan Shanley, 30, of Viceroy Road, life-long Warwick resident and attorney with the Gursky Weins law firm since 2013, is seeking to represent Warwick Dist. 24 seat […]
WARWICK — A few items Warwick readers may find intriguing as the week winds down: Police want your drugs, and the Board of Canvassers needs your help volunteering during the […]
Danny Hall, 34 a resident of Lewiston Street, has lived in Warwick his whole life, is running for School Committee this year to bring accountability and transparency to the board.
Dean Johnson, 39, of Essex Road, lifelong Warwick resident and Army vet, ran for School Committee the first time in 2014 to make tough calls on School Consolidation, and hopes for a chance to take a shot at straightening out the re-organization of students and buildings two years later.
Following a stunning mass abdication of common sense, the nation’s two major political parties will present voters with unprecedentedly unworthy choices for president Nov. 8: A tech incompetent who jeopardized national security, and an ignoramus vowing to assault the Constitution while courting treachery with the totalitarian tyrant of America’s long-standing rival, when he isn’t busy inciting the world’s crackpots to assassinate his political opponent.
Editor’s note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly listed two School Committee races among those that will be decided in the September primary. Warwick Post regrets, and has corrected, […]
Ward 1 City Councilman Steven A. Colantuono announced on Friday that he won’t run for a ninth term, endorsing Richard H. Cascella, Jr. in his place, with the support of the Ward 1 Republican Committee and Mayor Scott Avedisian.
Assuming all the candidates who made the June 30 declaration deadline collect the signatures needed to be on the ballot for the Sept. 13 primary and Nov. 8 election, there will be 27 contested races this election season, with 15 primary contests.
Warwick, R.I. — Former President Bill Clinton visited CCRI’s Knight Campus Thursday to stump for his wife, former Secretary of State and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, outlining her approach to […]
Students, press and political junkies began gathering hours ahead of former President Bill Clinton’s visit to CCRI’s Knight Campus to stump for his wife, former Secretary of State and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.