Scenes from the 7th Annual Rocky Point 5K

UPDATE: The full list of results from the Rocky Point 5K is available on the race website. WARWICK, R.I. — Hundreds of runners from all over New England are expected […]
UPDATE: The full list of results from the Rocky Point 5K is available on the race website. WARWICK, R.I. — Hundreds of runners from all over New England are expected […]
There are two days left to register to run in The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce‘s annual Rocky Point 5K Saturday at 10 a.m., the charity fundraising run along Narragansett Bay through Rocky Point Park, which will benefit the Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England and the American Cancer Society in Rhode Island this year.
The Rhode Island Foundation has awarded $5,620 to The Rocky Point Foundation to restore the Rocky Point Arch, which has fallen into a state of disrepair, the foundation reports.
Warwick, RI — This week’s events are all about expressing oneself through poetry, song, acting — and food.
Warwick, RI — Two great chances to celebrate local art are on the events calendar this week in Warwick.
Warwick, RI — Don’t let the cold temperatures keep you from checking out the events coming up in Warwick, including a wine tasting and performances at Ocean State Theatre — […]
Warwick, RI — With the end of one year and the beginning of another, it’s time for the annual rush to file federal and state taxes. This year, federal 1040s […]
Warwick, RI — The Central Rhode Island Chamber kicks off the Christmas season in style with Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 6, and they’re looking for volunteer elves.
Warwick, RI — The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce hosts breakfast Thursday morning to kickoff its public fund drive for renovations to the Chamber office — here’s the latest on the project.