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RIDOT: Lane Closures for March 25-31

RIDOT announced a number of lane closures effective March 25 - 31.
RIDOT announced a number of lane closures effective March 25 – 31.

The following road and lane closure notices are effective for the week of March 25-31, 2023. All schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change. Visit RIDOT‘s Travel Advisories website for a full listing of statewide lane closures.

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I-95 North Viaduct Project

Providence: I-95 North, after the Downtown Providence exit (Exit 37/old Exit 22), all lanes shift to the left. Use caution when traveling through the area and do not slow down or change lanes. All lanes go through. Those wishing to take the State Offices/Rte. 146 exit (Exit 38/old Exit 23) should stay to the right.

Providence: I-95 North, from Exit 37 to Exit 39, alternating lane closures for wall work/demolition, Sun. – Thurs. nights, 9 p.m.- 6 a.m.


Cranston: I-295 North, from Rte. 37 C-3 to Rte. 6, rolling roadblocks for overhead sign supports, Tues., 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Cranston: I-295 North, from Rte. 37 to Rte. 6, rolling roadblock for sign work, Tues., 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

See full list of Interstate Restrictions »

Reconstruction of Route 146 (Lincoln/North Smithfield)

Lincoln: I-295, between the Rte. 7 and Rte. 122 interchanges over Rte. 146, left lane closures to install a new traffic pattern, Fri. night (March 24), 9 p.m.-6 a.m. Effective Sat. morning (March 25), travel lanes through the construction zone for the Rte. 146 bridges replacement project will shift to the right and be reduced from three to two.

Lincoln: Rte. 146, under I-295, lane shifts for barrier installation, Fri. night (March 31), 9 p.m.- 6 a.m. Effective Sat. morning (April 1), the Rte. 146 service roads will shift to the right, and mainline Rte. 146 to the left.

6/10 Interchange Project (Providence)

Providence: At the former off-ramp from Rte. 6 East to Rte. 10 South over Amtrak, expect noise for demolition, Sun.-Thurs. nights, 10 p.m.- 6 a.m.


Lincoln: Rte. 146, before and after the Twin River Rd. Bridge, left lane closures for bridge work, Sun.-Thurs. nights, 9 p.m.-6 a.m.

See full list of Other Limited Access Highway Restrictions »

Henderson Bridge

East Providence: The off-ramp from the Henderson Bridge East to Massasoit Ave. South is closed. Follow signed detour.

East Providence/Providence: Henderson Expressway/Bridge from North Broadway in East Providence to South Angell St./Waterman St. in Providence, all traffic is shifted to the eastbound side of the bridge.


Cranston: Pontiac Ave., from Sockanosset Cross Rd. to Rte. 37 East, alternating lane closures for electrical and drainage work, Mon.- Fri., 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

See full list of Metropolitan Providence Restrictions »

East Bay Bike Path Bridges

Barrington/Warren: Rte. 114, at the Barrington and Warren Bridges, the northbound boardwalks are now open, providing a continuous, off-road path around the closed bike path bridges.

See full list of East Bay Restrictions »

Newport Pell Bridge Approaches – Phase II

Newport: A new traffic signal has been installed at the intersection of Admiral Kalbfus Rd. and the new Halsey Blvd. It allows right turns for traffic coming from the Navy base and roundabout toward the Pell Bridge and Downtown. Vertical dividers have been installed along Admiral Kalbfus Rd. to allow a right turn only lane onto Halsey Blvd. and improve traffic flow. Traffic coming from West Main Rd. also has a new signal with a green arrow for left turns, which will change to a flashing yellow arrow for left turns yielding to oncoming traffic. Proceed with caution. It will then turn to a red arrow, indicating drivers must stop and not turn.

Newport: Motorists should watch for alternating lane closures and construction vehicles frequently entering/ exiting the work zones along Admiral Kalbfus Rd., JT Connell Hwy, JT Connell Connector Rd., and Halsey Blvd.

See full list of Newport County Restrictions »

Temporary Road Closure

North Smithfield: Alternating one-way traffic controlled by temporary traffic signals for bridge work, 24 hours per day on Great Rd., between Lapre Dr. and Meadowbrook Dr., at the Union Village RR Bridge. Reduced lane widths. Expect delays.


Cumberland: I-295 North, from Diamond Hill Rd. to Mass. line, left lane closed for drainage work, Mon. – Sat. (April 1, 2023), 6 a.m. -3 a.m.

Smithfield: Rte. 44 West, from Cedar Swamp Rd. to Dancroft St., right lane closed for drainage work, Mon., 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

See full list of Northern R.I. & Blackstone Valley Restrictions »


Narragansett: Rte. 1A (Boston Neck Rd.), from Beach St./Dunes Club, partial lane closures for construction, Mon. – Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

North Kingstown/Narragansett:  Rte. 1A (Boston Neck Rd.), from Beach St. in North Kingstown to the Sprague Bridge in Narragansett, shoulder closures for construction, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

See full list of South County Restrictions »

Route 5 Improvements

Warwick: Rte. 5, from Knight St. to Old Greenwich Ave. at the Pontiac Bridge, northbound lanes are closed and shifted to the south to construct the northbound side of the bridge and travel lanes are reduced from two to one in both directions over the bridge.

See full list of West Bay Restrictions »

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Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at [email protected] with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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