By way of introduction, the City website homepage introduces the list, “…to provide safe passage for all walking students to and from the area schools safely.”
The list is required by an amendment made to the City’s shoveling ordinance made by the Warwick City Council in November 2015, which also increased the fines residents could be penalized with for failing to clear the walks and the time limit residents have to clear them (now within 72 hours of a snowstorm).
Penalties for violating the ordinance now entail a warning on the first offense, $100 for the second offense, and $175 for the third offense. A fourth offense requires appearance in municipal court and a fine of $250.
The amended ordinance also states the priority sidewalk list will not take effect until 30 days after it was published. The list was published Monday, Jan. 25, according to Mayor Scott Avedisian’s office.
Warwick Priority Sidewalk List
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