Norwood Elementary School Principal John Gannon’s contract, up for renewal, is in doubt, and 32 faculty and staff there hoping to save his job have signed a letter asking the School Committee to keep him on.
The International Charter School in Pawtucket has bid $1.9 million for the former Aldrich Jr. High School building, and has scheduled a community meeting Sept. 14 at the Norwood Boys & Girls Club.
Warwick, RI — Attorney Anthony Sinapi recently filed a petition to keep his Open Meetings Act suit against the Warwick School Committee from being quashed.
WARWICK, RI — The next step in the Warwick School Department’s school consolidation plan — moving the sixth graders into Warwick Veterans Jr. High and Winman Jr. High, converting them to middle schools — will cost $3 million, which Superintendent Phil Thornton plans to a ask for during Monday’s Warwick City Council meeting, as part of an $85 million bond request for building renovations.
WARWICK, RI — Dozens of teachers, parents and taxpayers picketed in front of the Warwick Schools Administration Building on Warwick Avenue Monday, calling for a teachers contract and changes in […]
The State Labor Relations Board has ruled the School Committee must honor the expired Teachers Union contract until a new one is agreed on, which would limit the number of teachers laid off this year to 20, not the 65 the board has announced it will let go.
Warwick, RI —The 53rd and final matchup between annual Thanksgiving rivals Pilgrim and Warwick Veterans, at best a bittersweet occasion, tested the mettle and sportsmanship of the Hurricanes as they […]
Dist. 1 School Committeeman Eugene Nadeau, 83, wants another term to bring all day Kindergarten, a middle school system and a fully researched consolidation plan to Warwick Schools.