WARWICK, RI — In 2015, Phil Thornton left his Cumberland superintendent job to take over Warwick Schools leadership decapitated by the fallout of the Atoyan scandal detailed in the siloed […]
WARWICK, RI — Rick Cascella, 54, of Yale Avenue, a real estate agent with Williams & Stuart Real Estate, was a resident of the city for 53 years before deciding […]
School Committeewoman Karen Bachus, 53, of Burt Street, an outspoken member of the board since 2012 who notably joined Warwick City Council efforts to disclose the publicly-paid Ragosta Report to the community, has lived in Warwick for the last 20 years, and hopes to serve another four years with the body.
Former Warwick Schools compliance officer and director of human resources Rosemary Healey, one of three Warwick Public School administrators whose actions are detailed in the Ragosta Report, has been awarded a WGBH Muzzle Award for her attempt to prevent stories about the public document by the Warwick Post and the Warwick Beacon.
Attorney Vincent Ragosta told the Warwick School Committee in May 2015 that three top Warwick Public School administrators dismissed accusations of sexual misconduct by science teacher Mario Atoyan in 2013 and rushed an investigation into the matter.
The Rhode Island American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has agreed to provide legal defense for the Warwick Post and Warwick Beacon if Attorney Jeffrey Sowa delivers on his threat of a lawsuit if the publications publish the Ragosta Report.
Attorney Jeffrey Sowa, representing former Warwick Schools compliance officer and director of human resources Rosemary Healey, has threatened the Warwick Post with a defamation lawsuit if it discloses the contents of the Ragosta Report, a public record the RI Attorney General ordered the School Department to release March 30.
Warwick, R.I. — RI Attorney General Peter Kilmartin’s office has ruled the City of Warwick must release details of the “Ragosta Report” on Warwick Public Schools’ handling of accusations against […]
The City of Warwick has denied Warwick Post’s public records request for the “Ragosta Report” on the handling of allegations of inappropriate conduct with students against Gorton Junior High School Science Teacher Mario Atoyan.
Warwick City Councillor Edward Ladouceur’s constituents have been talking about switching the Warwick School Committee from an elected to an appointed board, and he’d like to give the whole city a chance to weigh in on the question.
The Ragosata Report, which a Superior Court order instructs the School Committee to turn over to the City Council, is expected to be delivered this week, with only minor redactions.
Judge Bennett R. Gallo ruled today that the School Committee must honor the City Council’s subpoena of the “Ragosta Report,” and a redacted version of the document is expected within a week.
The Warwick City Council OK’d a ban on powered boats on Sand Pond and parking restrictions on Wells and Rowe Avenues Monday night before learning Judge Bennett R. Gallo will decide their fight to subpoena the School Committee for a copy of the “Ragosta Report” by week’s end.
The City Council voted 6-2 to subpoena the School Committee for a copy of the “Ragosta Report” on the handling of allegations of inappropriate conduct with students against Gorton Junior High School Science Teacher Mario Atoyan.
The Warwick City Council postponed votes on a subpoena of the School Department’s “Ragosta Report” on the handling of inappropriate student contact allegations against Gorton Junior High School Science Teacher Mario Atoyan and an invite to the School Committee to discuss it Monday night.
Three School Department officials including retired Superintendent Richard D’Agostino have left office since the School Committee received a report on how they handled allegations of a Gorton Jr. High science teacher’s inappropriate conduct with students, and some City Councillors want that report made public.