Editor’s note: The following Warwick, RI area arrests recorded in the RI Trooper Log were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does […]
State Police activity involving residents of and stops in Warwick this week resulted in arrests on charges ranging from a sex offender failing to alert police to his new address to arrests on DUI charges and for no-contact order violations.
Rhode Island State Police made several Warwick-related arrests this week, including people wanted for violating a no-contact order, cocaine possession, and a hit and run driver troopers tracked back to his Warwick home.
RI State Police made three Warwick- related arrests this week, two resulting from vehicle stops on Rte. 95, for violating an ignition lock against intoxicated driving, a no contact order and a Warwick warrant for felony shoplifting.
Warwick, RI – Heavily tinted front windows weren’t a wise option for one Providence man, and neither was driving with a suspended license, but it was the no-contact order against the woman in his passenger’s seat that earned him a felony charge.