WARWICK, RI — Richard Corley, 60, of Algonquin Drive, a criminal defense attorney for 30 years and Warwick resident for most his life, has served on the Warwick Zoning Board for six, and hopes […]
The City Council unanimously voted Monday to re-install stop signs at the rotary intersection of Namquid Drive and Spring Green Road, where yield signs have held sway for a year, acting on the pleas of worried neighbors armed with stories of serious crashes, near misses and precarious driveway exits.
Mayors Scott Avedisian and Alan Fung have joined Rep. Patricia Serpa (D-Dist. 27, West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick) in calling for Attorney General Peter Kilmartin to release all documents related to the investigation of 38 Studios.
Ward 1 City Councilman Steven A. Colantuono announced on Friday that he won’t run for a ninth term, endorsing Richard H. Cascella, Jr. in his place, with the support of the Ward 1 Republican Committee and Mayor Scott Avedisian.
Councilmen Edgar Ladouceur (D-Ward Five) and Steven Colantuono (R-Ward One) have introduced a resolution authorizing the donation of nearly 18 acres to the City to be preserved as open space, according to Mayor Scott Avedisian’s office.
Warwick, RI – A small group of families and city officials gathered at Oakland Beach to honor the memories of locals killed during the Sept. 11 attacks for a brief ceremony during the 13th anniversary of the day Thursday.
Warwick, RI – Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian has announced Councilman Steven Colantuono, Rep. Joseph Trillo, (R-Dist. 24) and Rep. Patricia Morgan (R-Dist. 26) – will chair his re-election campaign.