Warwick, RI – Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian has announced Councilman Steven Colantuono, Rep. Joseph Trillo, (R-Dist. 24) and Rep. Patricia Morgan (R-Dist. 26) – will chair his re-election campaign.
“I am proud to have Councilman Colantuono, Representative Trillo, and Representative Morgan assisting me in my campaign. They are three hard working and dedicated Republican elected officials who represent the people of Warwick well,” Avedisian said.
Colantuono, an attorney in private practice, has represented Ward One on the City Council for three terms. He is the Minority Leader, a member of the Warwick Republican City Committee, and a member of the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee. Â
Trillo is a veteran Republican lawmaker at The State House who was first elected in 2000. He is President of AAA Custom Alarms, was the Republican National Committeeman for Rhode Island, is a member of the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee and the current Minority Whip.
Morgan is currently serving in her second term as a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives. She is the former Chairman of the Rhode Island Republican Party and Chair of the Rhode Island Federation of Republican Women. She also serves as a member of the West Warwick Zoning Board.
The three Republicans stated that they were supporting Mayor Avedisian due to the fact that the city had posted a surplus virtually every year that he has been Mayor, three of the city’s pension plans are rated in the top tier by the state, the 4th pension plan has a funding formula in place, and the fact that Warwick has one of the highest bond ratings of any city in the state.
Mayor Avedisian is a former Chairman of the Rhode Island Young Republicans, has been a member of the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee for more than 20 years, and has been elected to represent Rhode Island at the Republican National conventions of 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012.
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