Editor’s note: The Council Update is a twice-monthly update on Council meetings and developments from Warwick City Council President Steve McAllister. The column is written after each council meeting, twice a month. This review of Warwick City Council events has been lightly edited to update time references, for grammar, and to include referential links for further reading.
WARWICK, RI — At Monday night’s council meeting we voted on a number of purchases for Public Works and the Police and Fire Departments. We also voted for a Clegg Field tower for telecommunications.
This tower will allow Verizon and other carriers to provide better cell coverage in the Conimicut area. As our friends in Conimicut will tell you, coverage in their neighborhoods has been poor ever since the last tower came down. Over 7,000 residents will now receive better coverage and Verizon will pay the city for the rights to use the tower.
We also purchased more “speed sleds”, which are message boards and radar trackers. You will see these in our neighborhoods which will show your speed, but it is also collecting data such as how many cars travel on the road, top speed, average speed, median speed ect. This information is important as the police department conducts traffic studies looking for ways to keep our streets safe from residents traveling too fast in our neighborhoods.
We also had students from the Northeast Family Martial Arts came to the council meeting and speak about Bully Prevention month. We all took the anti bullying pledge. Below is the pledge:
I believe everyone has the right to feel safe
I will stand strong against bullying
I will treat others with respect and kindness
I will not be a bully
I will not be a bystander
I will help others who are being bullied
I will tell a teacher and parent when I see it or when it happens to me
I will not stand by. I will stand up
Upcoming events and meetings:
Today, Oct. 18, t he Torey Lynn Andreozzi Foundation hosts a conversation about impaired driving, the law and a call to action at Warwick Vets Middle School 6-9pm.
The annual Sand Pond Spooky Path will be from 6-8pm on Oct. 28
Also on Oct. 28 The Elizabeth Gray Foundation hosts the 2023 Dress Your Dog “Howl-a-ween” Competition at Shanon View Inn, from 12-3 p.m..
Greenwood Halloween Parade is on Oct. 31 from 4-5 p.m. and parade starts at 5:10 p.m., 126 Chapmans Ave.
The next council meeting is Nov. 6.
Have a great day!
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