WARWICK, RI — Monday’s Warwick City Council meeting was cancelled due to an error omitting the zoom log in information from the agenda posted Thursday, pushing scheduled agenda items to the April 5 meeting.
City Council Committee meetings were held as scheduled (stay tuned for a report on those soon).
When the Council meets for its full meeting via Zoom teleconference, they’ll discuss a zoning change allowing a 75-unit Kilvert St. development, a $10M high school fields bond, and approving the City’s lease of the Cooper Building to the Boys and Girls Club of Warwick, among other items.
The meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference, streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel at 5 p.m.
A few details on the items Council members will discuss include:
- Changing the zoning of Assessor’s Plat 278, Lot 144, 298 Kilvert St., from “Technology-Light Industry” to “Residential, High Density” to allow development of a 75 unit, residential multi-family building.
- Approving a 10-year lease of the Cooper Building, 885 Sandy Lane, “The Club at Cooper” to The Boys and Girls Club of Warwick, at $1 per year.
- Approving the $10M in bonds for the school project will result in a 35 percent reimbursement rate from the state.
The City of Warwick’s Engineering Department received a grant to ameliorate the Buckeye Brook flooding in 2019, and Monday Councilors will consider a resolution appointing a Lead Member from the Department responsible for carrying out the project.
Documents and copies of the legislation is embedded below:
PCR-39-20 Res. Re. Amending Rule 30
Ord Amending the COW Comp Plan 2013-2033 Greap Point Group LLC
PCO-2-21 (Sub A) Zone Change Ord. Great Point Group LLC
PCR-29-20 Res. Re. High School Fields Bonds
PCR-38-21 Res. Re. Women’s Hx 3.11.21
PCR-40-20 Res. Re. Council Rules
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