![[CREDIT: WP Composite; Magaziner, Picozzi offices] Rep. Seth Magaziner (RI-02), second from left, joined, from left, former Rep. Jim Langevin (RI-02), Warwick Mayor Frank Picozzi, State Rep. Dave Bennett, and City Councillor Jeremy Rix to celebrate $920K in Community Project Funding for Warwick Library Apponaug & Norwood Branches' accessibility improvements.](https://northamerica.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Warwick-Apponaug-Norwood-Library-Branches-Grant-1.jpg)
The federal Community Project Funding will make the Warwick Public Library’s Apponaug & Norwood branches more accessible for those unable to travel independently to their neighborhood library. Thanks to Langevin’s leadership, the critical funding will ensure that the Warwick Public Library will have the necessary resources to make the Apponaug and Norwood branches fully ADA-compliant and eliminate all existing accessibility barriers, according to Magaziner’s office.
Langevin secured the funding prior to the end of his term. Langevin, the first quadriplegic elected to Congress, has been an active supporter of the rights protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. In July, he named two fellow representatives, Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), the new co-chairs to the Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus (BDC), during the 32nd anniversary celebration of the ADA. In 2021, he supported President Joe Biden’s boycott of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Picozzi praised the accessibility effort, which stands to improve the lives of all Norwood and Apponaug residents.
“It will be utilized to provide safer access to these facilities for those who have physical conditions that currently make it a challenge to visit their library in person. These branches play a critical role in ensuring a great quality of life in their respective neighborhoods,” Picozzi wrote about the Apponaug & Norwood branches’ grant on his Facebook page.
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