Call the safe rides phone number within city limits this St. Patrick’s Day, and you can steer clear of a DUI arrest or a tragic crash.
The Safe Rides Program returns Thursday for its sixth year, a collaboration between the Warwick Police Department and the Warwick Citizens Police Academy AlumniAssociation. The program is eight years old, but the pandemic caused the department to cancel the program the last two years.
During St. Patrick’s Day, volunteers team up to reduce DUI related crashes and reduce incidents of drunk driving by offering residents a ride home as an alternative to being arrested for DUI during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday in the city.
Exercise some good judgment and call WarwickPolice if you’ve been drinking in the city anytime between the hours of 6 p.m.and 2 a.m. on St. Patrick’s Day, and volunteers will be dispatched to establishments in the city to provide a safe, free ride home anywhere within the City of Warwick if you need a ride or have had too much to drink.
Outside Warwick, you can also call on family, friends, a cab, and designate a sober driver in advance.
Bars and liquor-serving establishments throughout Warwick have been notified of the program and encouraged to promote the effort among their patrons, Warwick Police report.
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