Officers Evan Brown and Rahja Laster took custody of Devyn Vecchio, 18, of 2 Surrey Drive, Johnston, RI, transporting him to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, Warwick, where he was processed and charged with failing to stop after a crash resulting in damage. He was scheduled for a Dec. 7 hearing in Third District Court and released at 5:32 a.m.
According to police records, a gray 2004 BMW was witnessed leaving the scene of the Sept. 7 crash by the victim, who also described the driver as a skinny man in his late 20s with brown hair in a bowl cut.
During a check of the car and drivers records, Officer David Boardman was able to identify the driver as Vecchio. Boardman reported he made multiple attempts to contact Vecchio, but was hung up on several times while calling. The victim confirmed the driver was Vecchio during a photo lineup, according to Boardman’s report.
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