A parking ban remains in effect this morning for Warwick, according to the Department of Public works.
The NWS reports the stage of the river was 9.5 ft. at 3:46 a.m. Friday. The agency advises advises parents not to allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life.
The RI Department of Transportation reported several spinouts on the roads during the storm, which officials warned motorists would be slick with low visibility. There was only one crash reported as of 6 a.m.: on I-95 NB at Exit 28 (Rte. 114/School Street) in Pawtucket, which had been cleared by 7 a.m.
Additional delays/closings:
West Bay Collaborative: Delayed 1 hour
Bishop Hendricken HS: Delayed 1 hour
St Kevin School: Delayed 1 hour
St Peter School: Grades 5-8 report at 8:45 AM
St Rose of Lima School: Delayed 1 hour
Boys and Girls Club – Warwick: Delayed 1 hour; AM childcare opens at 7:30
Buttonwoods School: No Early Care at 8:00 A.M. ; School starts at 9:00 A.M.
Kent YMCA School’s Out-Warwick: No AM Daycare; AM care closed. PM care open.
Kent YMCA-AM Y’s Owl: No AM Preschool; Open at 11:30am.
True Reflections Dance & Fitness: Delayed 1 hour
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