This was the fifteenth year the city has won the award.
“Tree City USA communities see the impact an urban forest has in a community first hand” said Dan Lambe, President of the National Arbor Day Foundation. “Additionally, recognition brings residents together and creates a sense of community pride, whether it’s through volunteer engagement or public education.”
The ceremony followed the annual Arbor Day Ceremony at Norwood School April 28, where a Magnolia tree donated by Yard Works was planted in memory of Tarin and Anna Byrne, according to Avedisian’s office.
Tarin Byrne was an extremely active member of Norwood School’s PTA who passed away in January of this year. Anna Byrne, Tarin’s daughter passed away in 2014 at the age of fourteen and was a student of Norwood School.
“I am very proud that the City has been named a Tree City USA once again,” said Mayor Scott Avedisian. “Trees provide great environmental benefits, including noise and air pollution abatement, and a mature canopy of trees throughout the city plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of our community. Our annual Arbor Day ceremonies, many of which have been held at local schools, offer us a very visible and tangible way to ensure that our students learn how important trees are to our environment and how vital it is to preserve, restore, and protect our precious natural resources. I thank the National Arbor Day Foundation, the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service for their acknowledgement of our continued efforts.”
Avedisian also recognized the work of the city’s Wildlife and Conservation Commission, whose members plan and participate in the Arbor Day ceremonies. “I thank them for their enthusiasm and their work each year to make sure we have a memorable and meaningful ceremony for our residents to enjoy.”
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