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Warwick Buildings Closed Till April 3

[CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] The Warwick Police Headquarters Lobby is closed to the public except for emergencies.

[CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] The Warwick Police Headquarters Lobby is closed to the public except for emergencies.
[CREDIT: Rob Borkowski] The Warwick Police Headquarters Lobby is closed to the public except for emergencies.
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WARWICK, RI — On Thursday, Mayor Joseph J. Solomon announced today that all Warwick buildings will remain closed to the public until at least April 3 to limit spread of COVID-19.

The Warwick building closures were initially set to expire Friday, March 27.

“The Rhode Island Department of Health has informed us that they are starting to see the community spread of COVID-19 in Rhode Island, which means that it is not always possible to determine how or where people became infected,” said Mayor Solomon. “States nearby are starting to see exponential spikes in cases of COVID-19, and I do not want this to happen in Rhode Island. Yesterday, the Governor and Department of Health announced new, more stringent guidelines issued by the Department of Business Regulation for retailers and grocers to continue promoting social distancing measures. With all this in mind, I cannot in good conscience reopen our City buildings to the public or to staff who do not absolutely need to be here. I will keep repeating this over and over: the best way to prevent more cases of COVID-19 is containment. That means that people need to stay home as much as possible. I know this is difficult, but my highest priority is keeping people healthy and safe,” Solomon said.

The City will continue to provide essential services, including public safety; sanitation, including trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup; wastewater treatment; and critical City functions.

Warwick departments that remain operational:

  • All public safety departments, including PoliceFire, Emergency Medical Services, and the Emergency Management Agency, are fully operational. However, the lobby of the Warwick Police Department at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive is closed to the public except for emergencies. Online reporting and records are available at their website,
  • The Department of Public Works will continue to collect curbside trash and recycling on its regular schedule; other requests will be handled on a case by case basis.
  • The City Clerk’s Office, which includes Recorder of Deeds and Vital Statistics, will remain open, but with limited hours and by appointment only. Please call 401- 738-2006 with questions or to request an appointment. The City Clerk’s Office will be open Tuesday and Thursday only from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and will be taking appointments for land evidence recordings; payment for traffic violations; and birth, death and marriage certificates.
  • City parks remain open, but Mayor Solomon has urged residents and vistors to heed social distancing guidelines.

Warwick departments that are closed:

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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