WARWICK, RI — The Warwick Weekend boasts a City Park concert Saturday and peak Perseid Meteor Showers throughout, with weather and celestial conditions at unfortunate odds during the peak Saturday into […]
CHARLESTOWN, RI — The heavens are aligning for the Perseids Meteor Shower peak tonight and tomorrow night, though the weather isn’t quite cooperating with partly cloudy skies, yet Frosty Drew Observatory […]
The Perseids Meteor Shower, billed as the best summertime night sky event, is back as Earth hurtles through the debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle each August, but RI weather this […]
The Perseid Meteor Shower, nature’s annual late-summer spectacle, is past its peak (Aug. 11 – 12), but night owl timing, clear skies and a waning moon mean there’s still a good […]
The Perseid Meteor Shower, nature’s late-summer shooting star spectacle, peaks Aug. 12 – 13 as the Earth travels through the remnants of comet Switft-Tuttle this year with skies darkened by a new moon, […]
The Perseid Meteor Shower, nature’s annual late-summer treat, peaks Aug. 12 – 13 this year, during an obscuring waning gibbous moon, but a night owl’s timing and strategic use of “moon shadow” can still win a good show as the Earth travels through the remnants of comet Switft-Tuttle this year.
The Perseid Meteor Shower, annually timed during the dog days of summer, peaks late tonight and early Friday morning, in partly cloudy skies, but with nearly 200 meteors per hour predicted, this year may still dazzle night owl star gazers.
The Perseid Meteor Shower, annually timed during the dog days of summer, occur free of competing moonlight this year, peaking between now and Friday, with Thursday night’s forecast fair and mostly cloud-free.