STATE HOUSE — The General Assembly today approved legislation introduced by Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) and Sen. Sandra Cano (D-Dist. 8, Pawtucket) that accounts for COVID-related […]
KINGSTON, RI — There’s only 7.28 years’ difference between the state’s longest and shortest-lived communities, with education the strongest determining factor, according to URI’s Rhode Island Life Expectancy Project. Warwick […]
STATE HOUSE — Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) has introduced legislation establishing common statewide academic curriculum standards The act (2019-H 5008) would require the the commissioner […]
Warwick Area Career Technical Center (WACTC) students Joel Cullen and Shelby Lavoie have won this year’s Ocean State Automotive Technology Competition, scoring full one-year tuition scholarships to New England Tech, and a set of Snap-on tools.
Districts state wide show room for improvement on the 2015 PARCC score test of Common Core readiness, with Warwick behind state averages in Geography, Algebra 1, and ELA/Literacy.