WARWICK, RI — While the Boy Scouts of America have welcomed women leaders for 30 years, it only opened its Cub Scout ranks to girls in Feburary, a transition Tiffany Bumgardner-Scheffler, […]
Troop 1 Gaspee Plateau had dubbed in 91 Eagle Scouts in its 84 years, before Aug. 20 when they added Rourke Noel Ferguson and Thomas Perry Rawson to the ranks of those who’ve earned the honor.
Pack 1 and Troop 1 Gaspee Plateau will hold a Cub Scout/Boy Scout sign up day onWednesday, Sept. 14, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church. Asbury is at 143 Ann Mary Brown Drive in Warwick.
Boy Scouts from Troop 1 Gaspee Plateau and their parents spent their evening observing and taking notes at Monday night’s Warwick City Council meeting.
On Saturday, Scouts across the city and state dropped off food donation notices at local homes asking for donations to the organization’s annual Scouting for Food Drive, and this Saturday morning, they’ll be swinging by again to pick up donated food.
Troop 1 Gaspee Scouts Jack Wallace and Everett McEwen were awarded their Eagle Scout badges on April 3, 1948, and on Wednesday, the pair returned to tell the Troop’s modern Scouts some old stories.