Post Road in Apponaug Closed Wednesday For Paving

Warwick Police shut down Post Road in Apponaug from Apponaug Four Corners to West Shore Road Wednesday, leaving it open only to local traffic, as Cardi Corporation paved a base coat on the street.
Warwick Police shut down Post Road in Apponaug from Apponaug Four Corners to West Shore Road Wednesday, leaving it open only to local traffic, as Cardi Corporation paved a base coat on the street.
Single lane closures at Apponaug Village roundabouts, required to allow stamped concrete crosswalks to cure, have not been popular with many motorists, and Mayor Scott Avedisian is asking for patience as the restrictions are expected to last until May 31.
The long-anticipated $200,000 update of the Victorian Lady, the pink, aged four-story headquarters of the Central RI Chamber of Commerce at 3288 Post Road, began Friday, with workers demolishing the front steps, the first step in a process intended to renovate the building in synch with a rapidly renewing Apponaug.
You don’t see a guy wandering through Apponaug with a ukulele every day, but that’s what Elija Hernandez was doing Monday afternoon on Post Road headed toward East Greenwich on Post Road.
RIDOT’s Apponaug Circulator Project got a boost when engineers decided to take advantage of an opening in the work schedule to put in new water lines along Post Road in front of City Hall this summer, instead of a year from now.