WARWICK — Officer Ali Jaafar was watching the area of Metro Center Boulevard from inside the Fed Ex Center’s parking lot when a black Toyota Highlander backed out of its parking space aggressively then headed west on the street, stopping the car and arresting the driver on a DUI charge.
Jaafar identified the driver as David Ramos, 22, of 13 Longfellow Terrace, Providence, and asked why the rented truck had tinted windows, to which the driver replied, “for privacy,” according to the officer’s report.
Jaafar asked Ramos to step from the car, which he did, Jaafar reported. The officer’s search of the truck found five grams of marijuana and 5 grams of an unknown white powdery substance. Ramos denied ownership of any of the items.
During a series of sobriety tests, Ramos demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit in his vision, missed heel to toe cadence throughout half the walk test, and could not safely balance on one foot. Jaafar arrested him on suspicion of DUI and transported him to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where he refused to take a breath test of his blood alcohol.
In refusing the test, Ramos told Jaafar, “Obviously I’m not going to take the test. I told you I’ve had a few to drink.”
Jaafar charged Ramos with DUI, and cited him for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.
A test of the white powder proved false for cocaine or fentanyl. It was sent to a toxicology lab to rule out any other illegal drugs.
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