WARWICK, RI — Warwick Police warn people, particularly elderly residents, that National Grid will not ask you to pay your bills using pre-paid cards, but scammers pretending to be from the utility will.
“Mainly elderly victims have been contacted via telephone by someone calling from a phone number, which shows up on cell phones as National Grid,” Warwick Police alerted their facebook followers this week.
The victims are told they’re past due on bills by a few months because of a payment deduction problems. The scammers then instruct them to buy a MoneyPak, one time use, pre-paid card, put $500 on it, scratch off the back, and read the number to the fake National Grid bill collector who remains on the phone with them, according to police.
“Remember to be cautious anytime anyone is asking for money over the phone whether they claim to be from a company or not,” the WPD warned.
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