Although the cameras were damaged, one of them captured the face of a juvenile, whose picture was released posted to the Warwick North Little League’s Facebook page and prompted a tip identifying the juvenile.
Police interviewed the young man, and determined he was not responsible for the damage. Rather, the young man pointed them to the responsible party, an 18-year-old Cranston. The man was a juvenile at the time of the vandalism, according to an announcement released by Warwick Police Friday.
Warwick Police charged the vandal with Malicious Damage, but are not identifying him because he was a minor at the time of the vandalism.
During their investigation, Warwick Police interviewed Dante Paliotti, 19, of Providence, whom they charged with obstructing police for giving a false witness account at the beginning of the investigation, according to police.
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Good old hard nosed police work. Kudos. Is this domestic terrorism rising it’s ugly head in Warwick once again?