Warwick, RI – Officers interviewing the occupants of a trashed room at La Quinta Inn at 4 a.m. April 25 arrested a woman for disorderly conduct when she returned for her things, yelled and refused to speak with them about a disturbance reported by several fellow guests.
Officers were called to the 36 Jefferson Boulevard hotel by the night manager, who said she’d received numerous calls from guests on the fifth floor about screaming in the hallway, according to Officer David Waddington’s report.
Waddington and Officer Charles Austin arrived at the hotel and found a man in the lobby inquiring about whether he could clean room 505 to avoid paying for damage. The officers followed the man to the room, where another man and a woman were still inside, to ask the three about the disturbance.
Waddington noted in his report that the room had suffered a large amount of damage, including liquor bottles broken all over the floor. Austin reported seeing broken glass, ice, water and alcohol all over the floor.
As the officers were speaking with the trio, a fourth person, a woman, later identified as Sabrina Ratliff, 18, of 786 County St., New Bedford, entered, yelling and screaming, according to Austin’s report.
The officers asked Ratliff to sit down so she could answer some questions about what had happened in the room, but the woman strenuously refused, continuing to yell, creating a disturbance.
Ratliff repeatedly insisted she was only there to retrieve her belongings, that the officers did not have the authority to detain her, and that she was not going to stay in the room to answer the officers’ questions. She delivered these messages at the top of her lungs, making liberal use of a four-letter word beginning with “f” in multiple conjugations, according to the report.
Waddington reported he immediately told her to lower her voice, due to the late hour, to which she yelled, “I do not have to stay here, you cannot hold me here!” according to the officer’s report.
One of the male members of the group asked Ratliff to quiet down and listen to the officers, to which she replied, “The f***ing cops can’t tell me what to do,” and headed for the door.
Waddington stepped in her way, and Ratliff said to him, “Get out of my f***ing way, you cannot hold me here,” continuing to yell as the officers continued telling her to lower her voice due to the hour.
Ratliff replied, yelling, “I’m not being f***ing disrespected by the police, I’m not f***ing lowering my voice and I’m not staying in this room.”
Waddington arrested Ratliff for disorderly conduct, but the woman struggled with him, resisting arrest, and the officer held her against the wall as she struggled and kicked the wall, shaking the mirror hanging there, before she was detained.
The other occupants of the room were instructed to leave, and Waddinton transported Ratliff to Warwick Police Headquarters at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where Waddington processed her, charging the woman with disorderly conduct.
Ratliff was scheduled for arraignment in Third District Court on the charge this morning, May 11.
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