WPD Charges Warwick North Little League B&E Suspect
[CREDIT: Warwick North Little League] Warwick North Little League posted a handful of photos of two people caught on camera during the Warwick North Little League B&E of their shack June 29. A girl has since turned herself in and has been charged in the break-in.WARWICK, RI — Warwick Police report that a girl has been charged with breaking & entering in the June 29 Warwick North Little League break-of their shack, during which a trophy, cash and candy were stolen.
Two juveniles were believed to be involved, according to WPD Det. Sgt. Nicholas Reay. Security camera images of juveniles trespassing in the shack at 560 Post Road were posted on Facebook after the break-in by Warwick North Little League.
“If anyone knows these kids please contact WPD! They broke into the concession shack down at the Little League Warwick North Baseball Complex off of Post Rd early this morning at 3:30 a.m. Any help will be greatly appreciated!” Warwick North Little League wrote in a plea for help identifying the culprits.
The police report noted $10 cash from a tip jar, candy, sports drinks totaling $25, a key to the women’s restroom and a Second Place InterLeague Major League Championship trophy were stolen during the break-in.
According to the police report on the investigation, a single female juvenile turned herself in at the Warwick Police Department Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, Warwick, RI on July 2 at 12:40 p.m.. Warwick Police charged her with Breaking and Entering Other Buildings with Criminal Intent, a felony, according to the report.
A second juvenile suspected to have participated in the break-in has been identified, Reay said, and charges are likely.
Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of WarwickPost.com. Contact him at editor@warwickpost.com with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.