UPDATE: The City of Warwick is recommending that all residents impacted by the Westgate Condominium fire contact Churchill & Banks to make arrangements to retrieve their personal belongings. Residents can call 273-8010 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Warwick, RI – The Warwick Fire Department reported no violations of the Rhode Island Safety (Rhode Island Life Safety Code (RILSC) or Fire Alarm Codes (NFPA 72) at Westgate Condominiums, where Building C was destroyed by fire March 11, in a report released Friday.
Mayor Scott Avedisian’s office released the Warwick Fire Department’s findings at 4:39 p.m. that afternoon. According to the Fire Department’s report, the fire alarm system 552 was installed in building C at Westgate Condominiums in October 2007 and was last tested in December of 2014. It meets current Rhode Island Life Safety Code and is tested regularly.
An automatic sprinkler system is not required by RILSC.
“At this time, we are still working alongside the State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Investigation Team for the Property Management Company to determine the cause and origin of the fire,” said Fire Chief Edmund Armstrong.
The Building Department has no record of outstanding deficiencies or violations.
In addition to the cause of the blaze, officials are investigating the reason for a lack of water pressure that required the city to call in fire crews from Scituate and other surrounding towns to provide additional water.
“Our top priority continues to be ensuring the well-being of those residents affected by this tragedy. My administration has been working with the American Red Cross to ensure that those who have been displaced have food, lodging and prescription drugs. Additionally, we will be holding an informational meeting to connect residents with additional services,” said Avedisian
Avedisian, Armstrong, Director of Family Support Services Patti St. Amant, and the American Red Cross will hold an informational meeting for those affected by the fire Sunday morning. The meeting will take place at 11 a.m. at the Buttonwoods Community Center, 3027 West Shore Road.
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