The owner, Paul Germain, said he discovered his home was on fire at about 6 p.m., after returning from a doctor’s appointment.
“I just came home. The house was engulfed,” Germain said. He said no one had been inside at the time of the fire, and only he lives there.
Germain’s eyes teared up. He wondered out loud whether any of his belongings had survived the fire. A firefighter inspecting the exterior of the house entered to retrieve Germain’s cell phone. When the firefighter returned with the phone, Germain asked him directly if his belongings had survived the fire, but the man said it was likely that the interior was a total loss.
Six engines, including a hazardous materials truck, two ambulances and three cruisers responded to the call. Police blocked off the street and portions of Cole Avenue as firefighters knocked down the fire then checked the interior of the house. Fire dispatch calls noted the fire, reported in the basement, came at about 5:30 p.m., was under control by 6 p.m. and out by 6:30 p.m.
A National Grid truck also responded to the area, and a utility worker tended to the home’s electrical connection. Three members of the Red Cross arrived to offer Germain assistance.
Germain was allowed inside the home briefly, but exited carrying only a small bundle under one arm.
Warwick Post will update this story as more information becomes available.
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