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Warwick PD Continues Anti-Drunk Driving Efforts on St. Patrick’s Day

The Warwick Police Department is located at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive.
The Warwick Police Department will offer free rides home this St. Patrick’s Day.

Warwick, R.I. — Warwick Police this week announced they are continuing two efforts aimed at reducing drunk driving on St. Patrick’s Day this Friday: A central location to test for drunk driving and a free ride-hailing service.

Warwick Police are continuing their anti-drunk driving efforts this St. Patrick's Day. [Logo courtesy WPD]
Warwick Police are continuing their anti-drunk driving efforts this St. Patrick’s Day. [Logo courtesy WPD]
In an effort to support other local departments and the Rhode Island State Police, Warwick officers will be posted at 1689 Post Road starting at 7 p.m. with the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit, or B.A.T. Mobile Vehicle, a 40-foot trailer where officers can administer breath tests to suspected drunk drivers.

“By positioning this vehicle in a centralized location, officers are able to arrest suspected impaired drivers, test, process and release them to a responsible adult without having to travel to their respective police stations, thus enabling them to return to patrol more quickly,” Warwick Police said in a statement released ahead of a planned March 16 press conference.

Local officers and members of Warwick Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association are also bringing back the Safe Rides program, a free service that picks up anyone who needs a ride or has had too much to drink and brings them to locations within the city.

Bar and liquor-serving restaurant staff in Warwick are being reminded to promote the free program and help reduce the incidence of drunk driving and DUI-related accidents.

Last year, Warwick Police reported six Safe Rides and three drunk-driving arrests on St. Patrick’s Day, a Thursday.

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak - [email protected]

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email [email protected]

This is a test

1 thought on “Warwick PD Continues Anti-Drunk Driving Efforts on St. Patrick’s Day

  1. You should have a way for crazy people to turn themselves in to the authorities without being molested by Warwick Police. That would make you seem humane too.

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