Gaspee Days Parade 2017: Marching, Muskets, Music

Saturday’s Gaspee Days parade was graced with fair 70-degree weather and the usual enthusiastic crowd watching marching bands and floats from lawn chairs, front lawns, porches and roofs.
Saturday’s Gaspee Days parade was graced with fair 70-degree weather and the usual enthusiastic crowd watching marching bands and floats from lawn chairs, front lawns, porches and roofs.
The 52nd annual Gaspee Days 5K enjoyed weather in the 70s, a little warmer than the ideal for long-distance runners, but members of the 1,487 strong field sported smiles as they finished to the cheers of friends and announcers.
It’ll be about a month before the rest of the nation celebrates American Independence on July 4, but Warwick gets a head start, just like it’s done since the burning of the Gaspee, which preceded the Boston Tea Party in 1773 by more than a year.