RIDOT has announced the following road and lane closure notices are in effect Aug. 24-30, 2019.
All schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change. Visit RIDOT’s Travel Advisories website for a full listing of statewide lane closures. |
I-295/Rte. 6 Bridge RehabilitationMotorists can expect the following changes:
Rte. 6 and Rte. 6A (Hartford Ave.)
Overnight Work
Providence: I-95 North and South, from Exit 18 to 19 on the Oxford Street Bridge:
Rte. 6/10 Interchange Project |
Motorists can expect the following changes:Rte. 6
Rte. 10
6/10 Connector
Affected City Streets
Temporary Road Closures |
North Kingstown: Rte. 1, from Boone St. to Ten Rod Rd., road closed for drainage work, Mon.-Thurs. nights, 9 p.m.-6 a.m. Follow signed detour.
Extended Lane Closures
Providence: The left lane is closed for bridge repairs through late Summer on Providence Place and Promenade St., at their intersection with Park Place and the rear entrance to Providence Place Mall. |
Providence: Kinsley St., from Providence Pl. to Promenade St., left shoulder closed for construction, Sat., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. |
No Lane Closures at This Time
Temporary Bridge Closure
Tiverton: Rte. 77 (Main Rd.), the Nannaquaket Pond Bridge will be closed for bridge work, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Follow signed detour. |
Tiverton: Rte. 77 South, from Hamilton Circle to Seapowet Ave., alternating one-way traffic for drainage work, Mon. night, 9 p.m.-6 a.m. |
Temporary Road Closure
Woonsocket: Bernon St. at Truman Dr., from Worrall St. to River St., road closed for construction, 24 hours a day starting Wed. until the end of September 2019. Follow signed detours. |
Burrillville/Smithfield: Rte. 7, from Rte. 102 to Providence Pike, alternating one-way traffic for crack sealing, Sun.-Mon. nights, 10 p.m.-6 a.m.
Cumberland: Rte. 114 (Diamond Hill Rd.), from Angell Rd. to the on and off-ramps to I-295 North, alternating lane closures for construction, Sun.-Thurs. nights, 7:30 p.m.-6 a.m. |
Exeter: Rte. 3 (Nooseneck Hill Rd.), Exeter town line to Rte. 165, alternating one-way traffic for crack sealing, Sun.-Mon. nights, 9 p.m.-6 a.m.
Hopkinton: Rte. 138 (Spring St.), from Camp Yawgoo Rd. to Conn. State line, and Clarks Hills Rd., from Rte. 3 to Conn. State line, alternating one-way traffic for crack sealing, Tues.-Wed nights, 9 p.m.-6 a.m. |
Hopkinton: Mechanic St., from Garnet Lane to Grantville Extension, alternating lane closures for a bridge inspection. Wed., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
North Kingstown: Lafayette Rd., under Rte. 4 North, alternating one-way traffic for construction, Mon. and Fri-Sat. (Aug. 31), 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Delays possible. Richmond: Rte. 138, at the Kingston Rd. Bridge, lane shifts for construction, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. |
Temporary Bridge Closure
Coventry/Foster: The bridge carrying Barbs Hill Rd. over the Moosup River, just north of Vaughn Hollow Rd. at Potter Rd., is currently closed through late October 2019. Follow signed detour. |
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