WARWICK, RI — RI Trooper Log arrests Feb. 9-10 involving Warwick included charges for soliciting murder, for DUI resulting in a crash, and a warrant for shoplifting.
Here are the basics on those arrests:
Solicting murder On Feb. 9, members of the Intelligence Unit & ACI Special Investigations Unit arrested Chandler Cardente, 27, with a last known address of 127 Strawberry Field Road, Warwick, Rhode Island, for the following: 1) Soliciting Another to Commit a Crime-(Murder). Cardente was transported from the ACI, where he is being held as a bail violator on previous charges, to Third Division Court for arraignment.
Airport Connector crash, DUI arrest At 1:06 a.m. Feb. 9, troopers arrested Steven Rogers, 56, of 156 Manolla Ave., Warwick, RI for 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or Drugs – 1st Offense BAC Unknown and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test. The arrest was the result of Troopers responding to a motor vehicle accident on the Airport Connector in the City of Warwick. Subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks, processed and held overnight pending morning arraignment at Third District Court.
Warrant for shoplifting At 12:49 a.m. Feb. 9, Troopers arrested Laura Hoyle, 45, of 100 Goldfinch Drive, Apt. #137, Coventry, Rhode Island on an Active Affidavit and Arrest Warrant for One Count of Shoplifting Under $500 (01/27/22), originating out of the Warwick Police Department. The arrest was the result of Troopers responding to the residence for a Warrant Check. Hoyle was transported to the State Police Hope Valley Barracks, processed, and turned over to the Warwick Police Department.
Missed court, B&E charge At approximately 1:30 a.m. Feb. 10, troopers arrested Lamarr Brown, 31 of 26 Kennedy Drive, Warwick, Rhode Island for 1) Providence Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Restitution Review on the original charge of Breaking and Entering of a Dwelling originating out of the Providence Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 North in the Town of Warwick.
Brown was transported to the State Police Hope Valley Barracks, processed, and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institution—Men’s Intake.
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