Editor’s note: The following Warwick, RI area arrests recorded in the RI Trooper Log were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.
UPDATE, May 2: The case against the erratic driver in the first brief below has been expunged. In keeping with Warwick Post’s policy, the name and identifying information concerning the driver has been removed from this article.
WARWICK, RI —State Police Warwick area-related arrests in the RI Trooper Log between Feb. 13 and Feb. 17 stemmed from traffic stops, turning up DUI charges and arrest warrants for vandalism and domestic strangulation.
Here are the available details of those arrests:
Erratic driver reports alert troopers to DUI arrest At 8:48 p.m. Feb. 13, troopers arrested a driver for: 1.) Driving under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs – 1st offense – BAC Unknown and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test.
The arrest was the result of troopers responding to several calls for an erratic operator on Rt. 95 in Warwick. The driver was transported to the Lincoln Woods Barracks where she was processed, arraigned by Justice of the Peace and released to the custody of a responsible adult.
Rte. 95 crash leads to DUI arrest At 9:20 Feb. 14, troopers arrested Timothy Conover, 49, of 5600 Post Road, East Greenwich, RI for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and or Drugs- 1st Offense.
The arrest was the result of troopers responding to a motor vehicle crash on Rte. 95, in Warwick and subsequent Drug Recognition Evaluation. Conover was later transported to the Wickford Barracks, where he was processed and transported to Kent County District Court where he was arraigned and presented as a bail violator.
Man wanted for vandalism arrested at AG’s office At 3:40 p.m. Feb. 14, troopers arrested Nathan Silvia, 43, of 24 Wadsworth St. Warwick, Rhode Island on a Sixth District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Pretrial Conference. The original charge of vandalism originated from the Providence Police Department.
The arrest resulted when Silvia was taken into custody at the Rhode Island Attorney General Office. Silvia was transported to State Police Headquarters, processed, and arraigned by Justice of the Peace.
Man wanted for domestic strangulation arrested on Rte. 95 At 8:05 p.m. Feb. 15, troopers arrested Richard Koboi, 23, of 2 Bodell Ave., Providence, for an Affidavit and Arrest Warrant on the charges of 1.) Domestic Burglary and 2.) Domestic Strangulation originating out of the Providence Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a traffic stop on Rte. 95 South, in the City of Warwick. The subject was transported to the Hope Valley Barracks where he was processed and turned over to the Providence Police Department.
Man walking on Rte. 95 wanted on multiple warrants arrested At 5:06 p.m. Feb.16, troopers arrested Richard Wilmot, 34, of 26 Florida Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island, for 1.) Superior court bench warrant for technical violation on the charge of felony shoplifting out of the Coventry Police Department, 2.) Superior court bench warrant for technical violation on the charge of felony shoplifting originating out of the Warwick Police Department, 3.) Superior court bench warrant for technical violation on the charge of felony shoplifting originating out of the Warwick Police Department, 4.) Superior court bench warrant for technical violation on the charge of receiving stolen goods over $1,500 originating out of the West Warwick Police Department, 5.) Superior court bench warrant for technical violation on the charge of possession of a controlled substance – schedule I-V originating out of the Cranston Police Department, 6.) Sixth Division District Court bench warrant for failure to appear for ability to pay on the charge of driving with a suspended license originating out of the Warren Police Department, and 7.) Third Division District Court bench warrant for failure to appear for ability to pay on the charge of shoplifting originating out of the Coventry Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a road walker on Rte. 95 in the City of Providence. Mr. Wilmot was transported to the Lincoln Woods Barracks, processed, and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institution – Men’s Intake Center.
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