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RI Trooper Log: Child Porn, Stolen Vehicle Possession, Missed Court

RI Trooper Log arrests, including Warwick arrests. The Rhode Island State Police are stationed in several barracks throughout Rhode Island.

RI Trooper Log arrests. The Rhode Island State Police are stationed in several barracks
[Warwick Post photo] Rhode Island State Police
Editor’s note: The following RI arrests recorded in the RI Trooper Log were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.

WARWICK, RI — RI Trooper Log arrests March 29 – April 3  in and involving Warwick spanned charges for child porn, stolen vehicle possession, malicious injury to property, and several  missed court hearings on charges ranging driving on a suspended license to robbery.

Here are the details of those arrests:

Missed court, expired license At 12:33 a.m. March 30, troopers arrested Kyle Benford, 26, of 5 Washington St., Floor 1, West Warwick, Rhode Island for a Hold Without Bail Third Division District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Arraignment on the initial charge of Driving with Expired License originating out of the Coventry Police Department.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 South, in the Town of Richmond. Benford was transported to the State Police Hope Valley Barracks, processed, and turned over to the ACI – Men’s Intake Facility.

Missed court, obtaining by false pretenses At 9:30 p.m. March 30, troopers arrested Malinda J. Sampaio, 48, of 57 Lexington Ave., West Warwick, Rhode Island, on a Providence County Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear on the original charge of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses, originating from the Lincoln Woods Barracks.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 in the City of Warwick. The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institution Women’s Intake Center.

Missed court, embezzlement At 10:42 p.m. April 1, troopers arrested Mikayla L. Swanson, 30, of 41 Drake Road, Warwick, Rhode Island, on a Providence County Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear on the original charge of Embezzlement and Fraudulent Conversion, originating from the Cranston Police Department.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 in the City of Warwick. The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institution Women’s Intake Center.

Missed court, sale/concealment conditionally obtained property At 10:36 a.m. April 1, troopers arrested Ahcheal Harris, 25, of 38 Clay Street, Apt. #2, Central Falls, Rhode Island, on a 1.) Providence Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear for violation hearing on the charge of first degree robbery originating out of the Pawtucket Police Department; and 2.) Kent County Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the charge of sale or concealment of property leased or purchased on conditional sale originating out of the Warwick Police Department.

This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95, in the City of Providence. Harris was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, and transported to Providence Superior District Court.

Missed court, receiving stolen goods At 9:59 p.m. April 1, troopers arrested Jose Frias Valerio, 22, of 112 Mitchell St., Providence, Rhode Island, on a Third District Court bench warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the charge of Receiving Stolen Goods, originating out of the Warwick Police Department. This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Moore Street in the City of Providence. Frias Valerio was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks and turned over to the Adult Correctional Institution – Men’s Intake Center.

Missed court, robbery At 10:36 a.m. April 1, troopers arrested Ahcheal Harris, 25, of 38 Clay Street, Apt. #2, Central Falls, Rhode Island, on a 1.) Providence Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear for violation hearing on the charge of first degree robbery originating out of the Pawtucket Police Department; and 2.) Kent County Superior Court bench warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the charge of sale or concealment of property leased or purchased on conditional sale originating out of the Warwick Police Department.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95, in the City of Providence. Harris was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, and transported to Providence Superior District Court.

Missed court, stolen goods At 9:59 p.m. April 1, troopers arrested Jose Frias Valerio, 22, of 112 Mitchell St., Providence, Rhode Island, on a Third District Court bench warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the charge of Receiving Stolen Goods, originating out of the Warwick Police Department.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Moore Street in the City of Providence. Frias Valerio was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks and turned over to the Adult Correctional Institution – Men’s Intake Center.

Missed court, disorderly conduct At 1:40 p.m. April 1 troopers arrested Leonor Andrade, 53, of 113 Setian Lane, West Warwick, RI, on a Third District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Cost Review on the original charge of Disorderly Conduct originating out of the West Warwick Police Department.

The arrest was the result of Troopers responding to the residence and conducting a warrant check. The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks, processed, and later transported to Third District Court for arraignment.

Malicious injury to property warrant At 11:02 p.m., troopers arrested Steven Wilson, 28, of 212 Bracken St, Cranston RI, for an Affidavit and Arrest Warrant for Malicious Injury to Property originating out of the Providence Police Department. The arrest was a result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 in the City of Warwick.

The subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks, processed, then turned over to the Providence Police Department.

Stolen vehicle possession warrant On April 1, members of the Violent Fugitive Task Force arrested Eugene Grundy, 30, of 606 River Avenue (Apartment 2), Providence, Rhode Island, on the following: 1.) Affidavit and Arrest Warrant drafted by the Warwick Police Department for Driving Without Consent of Owner; 2.) Affidavit and Arrest Warrant drafted by the Lincoln Police Department for Possession of a Stolen Vehicle (2nd Offense) and Reckless Driving/Eluding Police (2nd Offense); and 3) Affidavit and Arrest Warrant drafted by the Cranston Police Department for Leaving the Scene of an Accident.

Grundy was processed at the Lincoln Barracks and turned over to the Warwick Police Department.

Child porn possession, transfer On April 1, members of the Computer Crimes Unit/Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrested Zamir Matos, 29, of 101 Rock Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island, for the following: 1) Possession of Child Pornography; and 2) Transfer of Child Pornography. Matos was processed at the Wickford Barracks and arraigned in Third District Court.

Associate Judge Bucci set $10,000 surety bail with the special bail conditions of restricted Internet access and no unsupervised contact with minors.

Obtaining money falsely, drug possession, reckless driving On April 1, members of the Rhode Island Violent Fugitive Task Force arrested David Woisard, 57, of 25 Auburn St. (2nd floor rear), Pawtucket, Rhode Island, on the following: 1.) Providence County Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Sentencing on an original charge of Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses originating from the Providence Police Department; 2.) Kent County Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Sentencing on an original charge of Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses originating from the Warwick Police Department; 3) Providence County Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Hearing on an original charge of Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses originating from the Providence Police Department; 4) Providence County Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Determination of Attorney on an original charge of Possession of Schedule I-V originating from the Providence Police Department; and 5) Sixth Division District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Ability to Pay on an original charge of Reckless Driving originating from the Cumberland Police Department.


Woisard was processed at the Lincoln Barracks and transported to Providence County Superior Court.

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at [email protected] with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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