Editor’s note: The following Warwick, RI arrests were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.
Warwick, RI – This week’s Rhode Island State Police arrests in and involving Warwick included a Warwick woman wanted for embezzlement in West Greenwich and a Portsmouth RI man charged with DUI, both stopped on Rte. 95 in the city.
Local Woman wanted for embezzling  stopped on Rte. 95 At 10:57 a.m. July 8, troopers arrested Amanda M. Layden, 30, of 8 Bradley Ave., Warwick, on an Affidavit and Arrest Warrant for Embezzlement originating out of the West Greenwich Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95, in Warwick. Subject was transported to the Lincoln Woods Barracks, processed and later turned over to West Greenwich Police Department.
Traffic stop on Rte. 95 ends in DUI arrest On Friday July 8 at 11:15 p.m., troopers arrested Joshua Kirtland, 33, of 22 Lakeville Ave., Portsmouth, RI for 1. Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor/Drugs (1st Offense BAC-Unknown) and 2. Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 in the City of Warwick. Subject was transported to State Police Wickford Barracks where he was processed and held pending a Special Arraignment in the morning.
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