Editor’s note: The following Warwick, RI arrests were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.
Warwick, R.I. — Traffic stops and an investigation into a Warwick man wanted by Newport Police accounted for three Warwick-related arrests this week for DUI, narcotics and failing to appear in court, respectively.
Traffic stop on Rte. 95 ends in DUI arrest At 1:35 a.m. March 3, troopers arrested Stephen O’Brien, 35, of 150 East Shore Road Jamestown, charging him with 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor/Drugs – First Offense (BAC Unknown) and 2.) Chemical Test Refusal.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 in Warwick. O’Brien was transported to State Police Headquarters where he was processed, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace, and released.
Warwick man arrested on Newport narcotics warrant At 2:30 p.m. March 4, troopers arrested Robert Bouchard, 43, of 236 Adams St., Warwick for a Newport Superior Court bench warrant for FTA-Review on a narcotics nusiance originating from the Newport police.
The arrest was the result of locating Bouchard on Morningside Drive in North Kingstown during a barracks investigation. Bouchard was processed at the Wickford barracks and released after appearing before a Justice of the Peace.
Man Wanted in Warwick arrested in Coventry At 12:27 a.m. March 4, troopers arrested Antonio Ortiz, 19, of 24 Agnes St., Apt. #2 West Warwick, RI for a Third District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Ability to Pay for the charge of Misdemeanor Shoplifting originating out of the Warwick Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Washington Street in Coventry. Ortiz was transported to the Hope Valley Barracks for processing and later turned over to the Adult Correctional Institution Men’s Intake Facility.
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