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RI Trooper Log: Arrests for DUI, Missed Hearings

RI Trooper Log arrests, including Warwick arrests. The Rhode Island State Police are stationed in several barracks throughout Rhode Island.
RI Trooper Log arrests. The Rhode Island State Police are stationed in several barracks
The Rhode Island State Police are stationed in several barracks throughout RI.

Editor’s note: The following Warwick, RI area arrests recorded in the RI Trooper Log were reported by the RI State Police on their website. An arrest reflects charges against an individual, and does not indicate guilt or innocence.

WARWICK, RI —  State Police arrests in the RI Trooper Log between Oct. Nov. 4 and Nov. 9 in and involving Warwick included charges for missing court and DUI.

Here are the details of those arrests:

DUI on Rte. 95 At 7:58 p.m. Nov. 4 , troopers arrested a Massachusetts man for 1.) Driving Under the Influence – Drugs/Alcohol-BAC Unknown-First Offense and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 in the City of Warwick. The man was transported to the Hope Valley Barracks, processed, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace and released to a responsible adult.

Missed hearing on expired license charge On Sunday, Nov. 4, at 8:31 a.m., troopers arrested Joseph A. Parra, 44, of 1013 Atwells Ave., Providence, Rhode Island, on a Sixth Division District Court bench warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the charge of driving with an expired license originating out of the Central Falls Police Department.

This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on the Airport Connector, in the City of Warwick. Parra was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks and later turned over to the Adult Correctional Institution Intake Center.

Missed hearing on suspended license charge At 10 a.m. Nov. 6, troopers arrested David D’Angelo, 60, of 177 Medford St., West Warwick, Rhode Island on a 1.) Third District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Pre-Trial Conference on the initial charge of Driving With a Suspended License originating out of the West Warwick Police Department.

The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 in the City of Cranston. D’Angelo was transported to the Wickford Barracks, processed and turned over to Third District Court.

DUI on Rte. 95 At 1:28 p.m. Nov. 6, troopers arrested Timothy Raymond, 53, of 75 Douglas Ave., Providence, Rhode Island, for 1). Driving Under the Influence of Liquor and/or Drugs/ 1st Offense – BAC Unknown and 2). Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test.

The arrest was the result of an E-911 call to the barracks for an erratic operator and subsequent motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 in the City of Warwick.

Raymond was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace as Probation Violator, and later transported to the Adult Correctional Institute Men’s Intake.

At 6:58 a.m. Nov. 6, troopers arrested Enrique Dominguez Robledo, 45, of 99 Broad Street, Providence, Rhode Island for 1). Driving Under the Influence of Liquor and/or Drugs/ 1st Offense – BAC Unknown and 2). Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test. The arrest was the result of motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 North, in Warwick. Robledo was transported to the Wickford Barracks for processing, pending arraignment by a Justice of the Peace.

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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