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RI Expands No-Symptom COVID-19 Tests

[CREDIT: CDC] An image of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. RI has expanded COVID-19 no-symptom tests to all residents 18-39 years old. This population is the most likely to be infected and the most likely to not show symptoms, increasing their risk to others who may become more seriously ill from the virus.

[CREDIT: CDC] An image of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. RI has expanded COVID-19 no-symptom tests to all residents 18-39 years old. This population is the most likely to be infected and the most likely to not show symptoms, increasing their risk to others who may become more seriously ill from the virus.
[CREDIT: CDC] An image of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. RI has expanded COVID-19 no-symptom tests to all residents 18-39 years old. This population is the most likely to be infected and the most likely to not show symptoms, increasing their risk to others who may become more seriously ill from the virus.
WARWICK, RI — Rhode Island’s expanding COVID-19 no-symptom tests to include every resident 18-39 years old, and contracting to increase test capacity to 9,000 per day.

“I hope this news encourages more Rhode Islanders to get tested. If you have symptoms – even if it’s just a little cough or a runny nose – we need you to get tested,” said Gov. Gina M. Raimondo in an announcement Wednesday.

Raimondo said people in the 18-39 year-old age group who aren’t showing symptoms are important to rule out as COVID-19 positive.

“If you are in this age group, please go to and sign up for a test. We know 18-39 year-olds have a higher percent positive than others, and we also know this group is more likely to have the virus without any symptoms, so the ability to get tested is another tool to keep you and your loved ones safe,” Raimondo said.

The state has used a competitive bid process to contract with Accu Reference and Dominion Diagnostics to expand COVID-19 testing.

Starting next week, Accu Reference and Dominion will each run 1,000 tests per day in Rhode Island. By September, Dominion will increase its capacity to 7,000 tests per day.

“That will bring us up to 9,000 tests – including Accu Reference, Dominion, the State Health Lab and some other private labs – that are providing results in 48 hours or less,” Raimondo announced.

Tests for people traveling outside RI

If you are planning to travel to a state that requires a COVID test in order to avoid extended quarantine, you will now be able to get tested here. Beginning this afternoon, you can sign up for a test at The testing will take place at our Convention Center site and we will work as hard as we can to get you results within 24-48 hours.

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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