WARWICK, R.I. —Tyson is about two-years old, a male Pitbull with a beautiful brindle coat, ready for his permanent home, an energetic pooch with smarts and a lot of heart.
He is super sweet, a happy, lovable boy that likes to go for walks (he has a lot of energy!), likes the water and loves to cuddle.
Tyson is on the smaller side at about 55 lbs, should be the only pet in the home and he is not suitable for a home with small children (he plays too rough). He has been at the shelter since mid-August and is starting to become depressed and stressed out, he needs to get out soon.
Tyson is house trained, crate trained, neutered, current on his vaccinations, and comes with training. He has been through basic obedience and has received the student of the week award more than once, he is a smart boy! He is ready to go to his forever home… and will walk right into your heart!
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