WARWICK, RI — Officer Aaron Steere was driving south on Rte. 95 past exit 10 at 10:15 p.m. Nov. 21 when a car approached and passed him at high speed, swerved and veered onto Rte.4, prompting him to pull over the driver, whom he arrested on a DUI charge.
The car pulled over just before Exit 9 near Division Road, pulling onto the right shoulder, according to the officer’s report. Steere idenfitied the driver as Joshua Monaghan, 19, of 72 Hunter’s Run, North Providence. Steere reported that he could smell alcohol and marijuana coming from the vehicle.
Steere asked Monaghan to step from the car and perform a series of sobriety checks. During the tests, Monaghan was unable to walk a straight line and was unbalanced, and could not balance on one foot safely. Steere also asked him to tilt his head back, close his eyes and estimate 30 seconds. During the test, Steere reported observing body tremors and eyelid tremors, which he said were indicative of marijuana use.
Steere arrested Monaghan on suspicion of driving under the influence of liquor or drugs, and transported him to Kent Hospital, where he refused to submit to a drug test, and was discharged and transported to Warwick Police headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where the officer charged him with DUI, and a court summons for Jan. 7 in Third Dist. Court.
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