WARWICK, RI — Warwick Police made a DUI arrest May 19 at 8:32 after a Lyft driver called to say an intoxicated fare had driven from their stop in a gray Ford Flex.
The Lyft driver said they had dropped a man off at Grid Iron Ale House who was intoxicated. The driver said they saw the fare drive away in the Ford, and followed them while on the phone with police until the Ford driver entered Rte. 95 North.
Officer Justin Martin responded to the call relayed by dispatch, driving onto Rte. 95 North from the Airport Connector, spotting the Ford Flex in the far right lane approaching the Exit 14/15 ramp. He followed as the gray SUV swerved left and right, traveling slower than surrounding traffic, according to Martin’s report. Martin pulled the Ford over just before Exit 16.
Martin spoke with the driver, identified as Kevin Cahill, 38, of 31 Philmont Ave., Cranston, RI, and noted the man’s speech was slurred and his eyes were droopy, according to the report.
WPD Sgt. Derek Mourato arrived to run sobriety tests with Cahill. During those tests, Mourato reported smelling alcohol on the man’s breath, according to the officer’s report. When asked if he had been drinking, Cahill said he had had a few beers.
During the tests, Cahill demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit and involuntary movement in his vision, stepped off-line on every step and nearly fell over during a walk and turn test, and used his arms for balance and swayed unsafely during a one-leg-stand, prompting Mourato to end the test for the man’s safety.
Mourato arrested Cahill on suspicion of DUI, alcohol, and transported him to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where he registered a .232 and .217 on successive breath alcohol tests.
Mourato charged Cahill with DUI, second offense, .15 or greater and issued him a summons for lane violations.
This is a test