WARWICK, RI — A hapless woman called Hobby Lobby on Bald Hill Road Jan. 22 at 8:26 p.m. to report she’d lost her keys there, but when staff reviewed security video of her visit they realized she’d committed jewelry theft and alerted Warwick Police.
Officer Ryan Shibley arrived at the store, which had closed and was locked up, and spoke with the manager, who said they had suspected the woman had been shoplifting, but confirmed it while reviewing the video attempting to help her find her keys, according to the officer’s report.
The manager gave Shibley the woman’s keys, then pointed out the woman’s car, which was locked, then pointed out the woman herself as she attempted to get into a truck in the nearby Price Rite parking lot.
Shibley stopped the truck and spoke with the driver, who said the woman had just asked them for a ride across the street. He asked the woman to step from the truck, and identified her as Kimberly Duffin, 31, of 30 Lang Dr., Apt. 3, North Kingstown, according to the report.
Duffin asked what was wrong, and Shibley explained the situation. Duffin admitted to taking the jewelry, and removed about nineteen pieces of jewelry from her sweatshirt, coat and bag.
Shibley arrested Duffin and transported her to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where she was charged with receiving stolen goods. A receipt of the stolen items totaled $101.07.
Duffin was held overnight as a bail violator.
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